Employer, Heal Thyself: Managing Employer Stress

As an Employer, you know that you are responsible for the health, safety and well-being of your Employees. However, when you are busy running day-to-day operations and ensuring your Employees have all they need to be effective, it can be easy to forget about, and even neglect your own well-being. Excessive pressures and demands in

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Difficult Conversations At Work

Difficult conversations at work are inevitable. Most people prefer to avoid conflict. In the workplace, this type of avoidance can look like; failing to address someone’s inappropriate behaviour; refusing to discuss poor performance; or not drawing necessary boundaries with colleagues, for example. The longer a difficult conversation is avoided, the worse the matter often becomes. 

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New Flexible Working Laws – Considerations for Employers

‘Flexible Working’ is the term that refers to working patterns, arrangements, or hours. Examples include part-time, flexi-time, compressed hours, adjusted start and finish times, and alternative work locations such as working from home. Flexible working has historically been of particular benefit to Employees with caring responsibilities outside of work, or health issues. The UK Government

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Social Media at Work – Getting the Balance Right

While social media is not especially new anymore (its first forms appearing in 1997), its sophistication, popularity and reach has grown at an astonishing rate over the years.  We’ve moved from sharing our worlds through simple textual status updates, to showing it in all its glory via snappy, short videos. Many Employers still have a

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Managing Menopause – An Employers Guide

Menopause, including the years leading up to (peri-menopause) and the years after (post- menopause), has always been an issue for many women, with some suffering symptoms more than others, and potentially not fully understanding why or how to successfully manage them. Previous generations didn’t talk much about the menopause and the issues it often brought

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