Social Media at Work – Getting the Balance Right

While social media is not especially new anymore (its first forms appearing in 1997), its sophistication, popularity and reach has grown at an astonishing rate over the years.  We’ve moved from sharing our worlds through simple textual status updates, to showing it in all its glory via snappy, short videos. Many Employers still have a

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Supporting Employees During Celebrations of Ramadan

March sees the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, the commemoration of Muhammad’s first revelation and lasts between 29 and 30 days depending on the sighting of one crescent moon to the next. Commencing on Wednesday 22nd March, through to Friday 21st April, Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is

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Managing Menopause – An Employers Guide

Menopause, including the years leading up to (peri-menopause) and the years after (post- menopause), has always been an issue for many women, with some suffering symptoms more than others, and potentially not fully understanding why or how to successfully manage them. Previous generations didn’t talk much about the menopause and the issues it often brought

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Breastfeeding in the Workplace…

…A conversation that many of us would positively avoid as we feel it is such a personal and intimate bonding time between mother and child. However as an Employer this is a topic that needs to be discussed. Whilst having Policies with regards to breastfeeding in the workplace and providing facilities for breastfeeding can be

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The Risks of ‘Private’ Social Media Messaging In The Workplace

With many organisations having moved to a work-from-home or hybrid arrangement for employees, beyond the general work discussions that take place on platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, there remains a need for social connection, and while not the same as a conversation over coffee in the canteen, social media goes a long way

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Supporting a Return To ‘Normal’

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health issues were the most common causes of long-term sickness absence from the workplace in the UK. While we cannot yet determine the full impact of the pandemic on mental health, it’s safe to say that its effects will certainly outlive the pandemic itself. Currently the direct health impacts

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